
VitrA Catalogue Direction.

Creative Direction & Editorial Design for high-end bathroom brand.


The brief was to design a catalogue for VitrA’s Brassware range (Taps, Showers, Assessories), to go along with their selection of bathroom collection catalogues. In the past VitrA catalogues have been fairly difficult to navigate, with the introduction section being very heavy with stats, creditations and company history. An approach that didn’t consider how to captivate the reader or engage them in this premium brand and it’s high-end products. VitrA needed a rethink of how their ‘new and future’ catalogues would be designed and improved to be better suited to their customer’s needs.

I took on the role of designing the creative concept, editorial layouts and in ensuring the final artwork was produced inline with the creative direction. This started with a new vision for how VitrA catalogues should be consumed. A new approach that was based on a focused vision of guiding the reader through the catalogue. Producing an introduction that would be read and not skipped, leading through to specific user focused layouts that aided consumers and tradesmen to find the products that they required.

We identified the core values that the user wanted from a VitrA product; Design Aesthetics, Build Quality and Environmental Commitment. These points would be the cornerstones of the whole catalogue and help to weave the VitrA brand story of innovation into the pages.


The product side of the catalogue had to make sense of a confusing system of products placed into multiple categories and ranges. The catalogue approached this from a user centric point of view, organising the products under three main categories; Brassware, Showers and Accessories. The layout took into consideration the two users (the end user and the trade).


The main catalogue sections were aimed at positioning the products in the best light to the end user, using lots of lifestyle and focusing on the product aesthetics and stories. The technical product details were then compiled in an easy to navigate section aimed at the trade.
